VERUS "Multiform" Artchitecture
Conceptual background
Verus stands for Variable
Element Readjusting(Reconfigurable) Unitary Structure.
In usual (contemporary) car design the norm is for most vehicles to be constructed on rigidly fixed platforms (chassis) that
determine exclusively and permanently the physical body form of the vehicle, i.e either saloon, hatchback, 2- or
4-door , etc without any real possibility normally to vary the body shape at later time*. This is often due
to engineering and economic necessity or expediency, in that it may be deemed too expensive or too complex to bother
changing the said norms above. However we at Maegumechs believe approach can be devised to mitigate against or even
overcome these issues, in the careful redesign of platform to make it re-confugrable, i.e 'multi-form'(M). The advantages of a structurally
adjustable platform, or 'multiform', are immediately obvious:
1- Versatility - individual preferences and requirements of
end users are easily catered for
2- Economy - Any unnecessary parts on the vehicle are 'dialed out'
and not carried around as excessive dead-weight, and later can be called back into service when required again.
* exceptions: Coupe-Cabrio, ragtops:
** All
Prototype Design- APEX I,II
VERUS APEX aims to create an easily reconfigurable
so-called 'multiform' car using spatially variable elements in part of the car structure. On this first prototype
design the main transfor-mation process areas include main side panels (doors, rear first quarter fenders), the rear sub-chassis
(boot and part of roof) which also bears the rear passenger cell. This latter (rear part of the passenger cell)
is actually a separate structure on its own, capable of being completely disconnected and removed from the rest of the
vehicle. In normal operation it however needs only to slide forwards, while at the same time the seat bench can
be folded up completely or to just a single seat (for 2+1 mode), shortening the car by over one third of original
length. The rest of the body panels together 'collapse' or move forward to turn the vehicle into a two-seater
drive , giving the so called 'micro mode' configuration. Work and testing is in progress to refine this basic
design further.

(Caution!: Flashing Images & Animations) Click to enlarge
CAD imagery and Animation


apexverus2_2+3 Standardform |

apexverus2_drivetrain option |
Apex Z-Form graphics

apexverus2_2+3 Standardform |